Monday, 5 March 2012

Spaetzle and Sticky Rice Treats

It's Monday and it's one of those days.  Super sunny out, but also super cold.  I've had better days.  I'm kind of craving everything right now.  Here are a couple of tasty fast treats.

Spaetzle are soft egg noodles, usually used as a side with meat dishes, alone or with various things, like mushrooms, onions, cheese, lentils, spinach, etc, depending on the region.  They come in three basic shapes, long and stringy, short and wider pieces, or short little knobs.  When I was a kid my grandma made egg noodles from scratch a lot, especially for dinner parties.  They aren't hard to make, but are more time consuming than opening a package.  You can buy egg noodles in most markets, German, Polish, Swiss, Hungarian, French, even general grocery stores.

I use egg noodles instead of pasta a lot; they taste better, with tomato sauce, for mac and cheese, for soups, cream sauces, etc.  Sometimes I like to boil the egg noodles, drain, fry in butter and then sprinkle with sugar.  When I was a kid, living in the country with loads of seasonal fresh fruits, we would pick whatever fruit, say red currants, or poppy seeds, or berries, and mash them up with a bit of sugar, then add noodles.  It was a great snack.  A lot of the "weird" stuff I eat, is from my childhood.

Another version of a yummy sugar and butter snack, is sticky rice.  Same idea as with the egg noodles, but minus the frying.

These photos don't look like much, but if you've tried either, you'd be salivating like me right now  :)

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